Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Spanglish, Gua Guas, and Change

First off I want to thank you for keeping us in prayer and support. We are truly grateful for the honor to reach out to our island, spread the Gospel and make an impact for eternity. I haven't blogged in a while because of transition. There is plenty of opportunities coming that I can't wait to blog about, but (like Missionary Steve Robertson preached on last Sunday) we are only in the middle of this chapter of the story...

We were able to Skype our home church  in Dade City, FL, Calvary Assembly. It's always so refreshing to hear their voices! We had the honor of helping announce their next missions trip.... here to Gran Canaria. It's encouraging to hear how excited the church is about being so heavily involved in missions.

We received a beautiful gift from a sister in Christ. We have the privilege of seeing our families for Christmas. The tickets and the entire trip is payed for. We can't even begin to express the gratitude of her obedience to the Lord's voice. Greg's parents have been having some health issues and I (Kita) haven't spent any major holidays away from my family. God is good and He not only provides but exceeds in providing for everything in our lives!

We are still taking Spanish lessons from a private teacher from the church. She has been such a blessing to us! We are now able to understand most of what a Spanish speaker is saying... of course it's only when they talk slow and articulate that we can communicate, but we are getting better. We are almost fluent in Spanglish: taking English words and replacing them with Spanish words and if we are attempting to speak in Spanish then we substitute Spanish words with English words. We are not able to fluently communicate in Spanish (preaching, praying, or holding a five minute smooth conversation), we are still fighting through conversations and learning as we go but we are improving.

Just the other day Greg and I went up to the Bible School (a long and "adventurous" bus ride with lots of help from a non-nausea pill) and it had been a long but EXTREMELY productive day. We went to catch what we thought was our bus ride home... but it took us the exact opposite direction of home. So Greg, of course, didn't panic and asked the bus driver what we could do... a phone call later the bus driver took a route that wasn't his and took us into the city. That sparked a bit of conversation (in Spanglish) between Greg and the driver(Jose) and they were able to talk about everything from where each were from to what each believed about God and why Jose doesn't believe in God anymore. The driver represents an average Canarian, raised Catholic, but has abandoned the faith. It was a beautiful seed planted and a great accomplishment for Greg to be able to communicate. God gives us so many opportunities and we just have to remember that His way is perfect even if it is a missed bus.

Christian Life International Church is going through a huge change. We believe that God is having us take our next steps towards having a building of our own. There has been an incredible opportunity placed before the church here to move. We will definitely give you a better update on the progress as it continues to unfold. God is providing and guiding us.

There is so much creativity and opportunities that are here and we are growing in leaps and  bounds. Please continue praying for us, we are going to be in Italy September 16th-22nd for a retreat for all the AGWM Missionaries in Europe. Also there is a Woman's Conference in September and a Men's Breakfast coming soon as well. Pray for the church and our move into the next steps of being in our own building. Also pray for the transition and for the Missionaries Steve and Dawn Robertson that are leading this all up.

We can't thank you enough for the constant support both prayerfully and financially . God is so good and we are so very blessed to have a family (all brothers and sisters in Christ).

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