Friday, July 26, 2013

"I must go on to Rome"

"I must go on to Rome" Acts 19:21 NLT. It's official, we have purchased our plane tickets to be apart of the Europe Together Retreat this year. The purpose of the retreat is to bring all the missionaries of Europe together to worship, pray, and fellowship with one another. The goal is that we would maintain a unity in vision and passion to see Europe brought back to God and to meet with one another to learn and teach each other. This year the retreat is being held in Bellaria, Italy(a small city that doesn't have an airport). Since it is so small we must fly into another city and take a train/bus/rent a car to this small town. Rome, ironically enough, is the best price we could find, well over $100 cheaper than our other two options(Bologna and Venice). So we get to live the words of Paul- 'I must go on to Rome'. Yes we realize he went there to appeal to Ceasar, but we get a small opportunity to hopefully see some of the historical places that played such a major role in early Christianity on our way to this retreat. Pray with us that this time will fan the flames of spreading the Gospel in Europe, remember, on average less than 3% of Europeans are Evangelical. Dios es fiel! Él nunca cambia! Dios te bendiga

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