Friday, March 1, 2013

Let me Testify! The goodness of God!

So we have just been favored.... there is no other way to explain it. God is so good and so faithful!
We began the whole residency process about a month or so ago. If you've lived in Spain for any time, you would understand that there is a whole different meaning to the word "timely". It is a very relaxed and "take your time" kind of culture. In America, we tend to be very time conscious.... we tend to be a very punctual society.... If you're one minute late.... then you're late! Here in Spain it is almost the opposite. Everything takes time. You can't really do anything quickly. Many times one project takes up the majority of a day.

So now that you kind of can imagine where we are coming from.... Wednesday we were able to get our residency cards (which we hadn't received a letter from the office but it had been about a month so we went to go check and they were there), we opened up a bank account (which we needed our cards in order to do so) and we were able to get our phones (which we needed the bank account to be able to get that).... all in one day! That is huge! Now we are able to be more efficient in communicating with Pastor, all of the staff here and you.

Not only that, we will be hosting a missions teams from Missouri here at the Bible school. They have an outreach to children and they also train children's workers to reach out by performing "The Puzzle" (a play designed to minister to kids). We will be traveling with them as they minster at many different churches and parks here on the island. Please pray that God will use their skills to bring many to Christ. 

We also are continuing to look for a new building for CLIC to call home. Please pray that God brings clarity and that His will be done with location and possibilities.
We have definitely been utilized here.... To check out some of the work being done, you can check out and like cliclaspalmas on our Facebook page. Greg has been doing an incredible job with CLIC's Facebook, Twitter, Instegram and Youtube accounts. Feel free to visit.

Thank you again for the love of Christ in you that continues to support the call to reach a lost and dying world. We wouldn't be able to reach out like we can if it wasn't for your support. Thank you!

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