Friday, March 15, 2013

Phew... Good Times!

It has been an incredibly productive last few weeks. Not only did we receive our residency cards and our cell phones.... we also have Internet at the house. We can't thank God enough for taking such good care of us! Many times we have to remind ourselves that we have only been here for a little over two months. We are both anxious to speak Spanish fluently.... which we have such a very long way to go but we are praying for the grace of God to efficiently and effectively learn Spanish so that communicating will be easier. We have a great teacher that is giving us private lessons and Pastor Steve, Mrs. Dawn, Pastors Roberto and Lily have been helping us to communicate everywhere else. We are so grateful for the people God has placed in our lives at this time.
We were able to help host a missions team from Evangel University last week. It was an incredible time of ministry and just hanging out. They were able to minister through a program called the Puzzle. It is actually a really cool concept. They pre-record all the voices by professionals in order to suite a specific language, then a team in the states is trained for months to mouth the words and perform this program. It can be done in 11 or more different languages. It is designed for children and uses full body puppets and has a very clear Gospel message.

It was great to get to know the missionary for Europe's Children that travels with the different teams and it was great to get to know the team. Their trip was so productive. There were 6 performances and each one of them seeds were planted in each heart for Christ to take root. It was incredible to see the turnout to each outreach. There was also time to experience the culture by riding camels, experiencing the native food cooked by some awesome ladies from the church, and being able to see the island. We even had an incredible day of worship and prayer on top of a mountain. 
They also presented a workshop for all the children's workers on the islands. We have been told that this is the first time anything like that had been attempted, to have all the children's workers at one workshop from all around the Island. There was an attendance of over 65+ children's workers. It was very successful! That is really what it's about.... discipleship and training others to spread the Gospel of Christ. 
We are still working hard and getting involved with the culture and God is doing such a work in the both of us! We pray that God will continue to conform us into the image of His Son Jesus Christ and that His kingdom be advanced here in our area of influence. There is so much work to be done here and I am excited seeing how God brings situations and people together for His good. Please continue to pray for us and pray for this upcoming event called "Sus Pasos' (the Easter Production). Pray that God will use it to open blinded eyes and awaken the church and the culture to Jesus and His work on the cross.

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