Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Reaching Out!

What an incredible month! God is doing so much here in Las Palmas and in the hearts of His people. The church is growing by the week and God is in the midst of it all.

The church is starting a weekly prayer day beginning in June to facilitate building up a culture of a praying church. Also the church is starting a day of evangelism that will also start in June to encourage reaching out to the broken within the city.

Another major project we are working on is creating a culture of Christians that will Tell The Story of Christ using their testimony. We are even using the church website as the platform to encourage this and to give practical examples of how Christ's change in your life can open the eyes of those that are lost showing them the gospel. 

We have been looking for a building that we can use within the city that will be efficient for the church and it's services. We were very hopeful with a building that we had recently pursued but that door closed. We know that God is holding this situation in the palm of His hand and that these things will work for His good. So please pray for the church and our search for the building God has for us.
Greg and I are doing great! We are constantly growing in our love for people, our love for each other, and most importantly, our love for God. We have an apartment that we can call home. We are used to the daily living here in Spain and are getting more used to the culture and language. Our Spanish classes are extremely beneficial and we are not fluent yet but one day (in the long distant future) we will be. ;) We are able to go to stores and grocery stores without being nervous. We can almost hold a very small conversation with a native Spanish speaker.... Greg is actually much better at it then I am.

We are finding that God is really using us with the media ministry and with getting the word out about the international church. We are finding out that  most of the international people here on the island find out about the services and the outreaches of CLIC by the website. 
It is such an honor to serve God and to serve people here. Thank you for being willing to invest into the work of Christ here on Las Palmas, Gran Canaria.

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