Wednesday, June 19, 2013


It has been an incredible month in a half since I've last blogged. God has been so very faithful and in all that we do. It's been very productive. So here's what's been going on here in our part of the world....
Primero: Nuestra clases de español van muy bien. We have been taking private lessons once a week with a teacher from the church and it has been very useful. We can now listen and understand mostly what a Spanish speaker is saying if they are willing to talk slow and use basic vocabulary. Speaking Spanish, however, is a whole different story. Es más dificil.
The church we are serving at here on the island has had an event filled month but each event was blessed and productive, effectively ministering to the community and building up the church family.
Last month was Un Dia en Su Presencia para mujeres (Ladies Day in His Presence). It was a beautiful time to soak in God's presence with no other agenda then to pray and seek out Christ for 24 hours. It was refreshing and needed.
Dia de Canarias (a national canarian day) the churches came together to picnic at park. There was worship and a speaker and great fellowship. We were celebrating the islands as a whole which brings us to another event... Espana Oramos Por Ti. It was actually quite overwhelming. There had to be about 200 people marching down the streets of Triana praying and worshiping. No holding back. It was incredible to see so many Christians blatantly displaying Christ in the streets of a very secularized society. Just to give you an accurate perspective of how big of a deal this is, only 0.3% of the population of the Canary Islands are considered evangelical born again Christians. Of the 3 million people across the islands, about one million is on Gran Canaria and about half of them are in Las Palmas (our city and church location).... Yeah.
Also the church began a day fully devoted to pray. Between 7am and 9pm the church is open to allow anyone to come throughout the day to pray. We can take two hour shifts at a time so there is someone always praying during that time. Then at 8pm we gather for "the final hour" where whomever is available comes together and pray. There is such a move of god in every single meeting. CLIC has a vision of building a culture of prayer within the church.
Dia de Evangelism (day of evangelism), CLIC staff challenged the church to fill 250 small paper bags with non perishable food so that we could give them to the homeless in the streets of Las Palmas. Many gave bags and many showed up the day to pass them out. It was over 70 bags that were handed out to be able to feed those on the streets and share the love of Christ. It opened up opportunity to pray for them and to share Christ.
Christian Life also had it's ninth anniversary service. It was great to be able to go out and fellowship with the church family. The service went great and the fellowship was great.
It seems like there has been so much going on but we wouldn't have it any other way. Christ is being glorified and exalted, the church has so much vision, and the kingdom is being advanced. We can't thank God enough for the place we are in and the work that we have the privilege of being apart of.
There has been such a grace here that I believe is because of prayer and support from you. The language barrier is (slowly)  being broken, we have been placed under incredible mentors, we have been shown favor, we are being utilized and there really is nothing like being able to live life knowing you are in a place of growth and in the center of Christ's plan. Thank you!

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